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How it helps you

What is a reseller?

Most businesses that resell/white label A1WebStats tend to be agencies that provide web-related services to clients.   Those web-related services would include:

Web development – using skills to ensure that clients have a stronger online presence than their competitors, leading to higher levels of enquiries.

SEO/paid traffic – driving traffic to client websites.

Conversion optimisation – using analytics data to identify patterns of how visitors use the website, leading to beneficial changes being made.

Social media – generation of traffic via social media channels.

Content creation – creating content designed to drive traffic to the website and keep those website visitors engaged with the website after landing.

Email marketing – A1WebStats helps to go beyond the click to show how each email clicker then moved through the client website.


Other types of resellers

Those that white label A1WebStats aren’t always exclusively ‘agencies’ in the traditional sense.

Here are some other types of business that resell/white label A1WebStats:

Marketing service providers – people that offer a service to clients and who want to demonstrate return on investment as well as further opportunities that are uncovered within data.

Consultants – these come in many variations.  Sales, marketing, business efficiencies … the list of consultancy types are extensive.  Most consultants, who want clients to benefit more from their website visitors traffic, would get great value from white labelling A1WebStats.

Accountants – accountants have clients that have various pain points, including the need to gain more sales.  White labelling A1WebStats helps accountants to offer an enhanced service to clients.

Whatever business category you are within, if you have clients utilising your services, and you want to retain and grow that client base, then provided those clients have a website, you will benefit from reselling/white labelling A1WebStats.



The key benefits of you reselling/white labelling A1WebStats

Here are a few ways to benefit from reselling/white labelling A1WebStats:

  1. From using your white labelled version of the system, you and your clients will identify opportunities to strengthen their online proposition, resulting in more paid work for you and increased enquiries/sales gained for the client from their website.
  2. You can provide your clients with access to the system at a more preferential price than they could get directly from us.
  3. You could uplift the price to make a profit purely on the usage of the system.
  4. Customer loyalty to you is enhanced due to the added value that our software provides.
  5. Your clients will more readily recommend you onto other potential clients, because they feel that they’ve gained more benefits from your working relationship.
  6. You can use the system as a business generation tool. Many agencies use white labelled A1WebStats to get a foot in the door with potential clients by getting them interested in a free trial to see companies that visited their website (and other information), instead of trying to sell them core services. You can see more about this on our page new business generation.

It’s a three way win-win-win:

  1. Win: Your clients get more business
  2. Win: You get more business
  3. Win: We benefit from you being a white labeller


What you get as a reseller/white labeller of A1WebStats

As a reseller, you need to buy into our passion, which is for businesses to become more successful through detailed use of analytics data, that leads to stronger websites and the methods used to drive traffic to those websites.

Our commitment is to assist you to help your clients (businesses) to become stronger within a relationship that’s beneficial for everyone.

As a reseller/white labeller of A1WebStats you benefit from:

Support – our team are here to help you maximise the benefits you and your clients get from your white labelled A1WebStats system.  It’s in our interest for you to fully understand how to use the system to benefit your clients.  Our support is provided by email, phone, and webinar.  That support is unlimited.

Fixed rate price – if you have seen our costs page you’ll see that you pay a set fee for a monthly allowance of data, that you can spread through as many websites as you want to.  That price, when spread between numerous of your clients, is very cost-effective.   If you need more monthly data allowance at any time, we have additional pricing tiers, as shown on our costs page.

Non-competition – we prevent your clients from signing up directly with us, if already registered within our system. Not that it makes logical sense for them to do so, as our prices would be higher.  If we see that your client has attempted to sign up directly with us, we will notify you.

No contracts – if you found that you no longer wished to white label A1WebStats, you just need to let us know so that we can stop the payments.  At that time you would need to confirm that your own clients (who are using your white labelled service) are aware of you ceasing that service, and if appropriate, you may offer them to sign up directly with ourselves.

Flexibility – our system grows ongoing and we welcome all feedback on potential system enhancements.

Honesty – we’re not a huge corporate money-making machine.  We genuinely care that businesses benefit from what our software provides.  You will always get a refreshingly honest dialogue with us, even in cases where we occasionally  slip up.



Hands up if you’ve heard of Lead Forensics?

Most people would put their hands up – both within agencies, and within the clients of agencies.

Lead Forensics are well-recognised for pushing (either directly or via a white labelled offering) this key message to businesses:

You can identify companies that visit your website and then reach out to them.

Many businesses blindly buy into that message, not realising the key problem:

  1. They identify companies visiting their website and there is apparent interest in the products or solutions on offer.
  2. They then try to reach out to those companies – attempting to bridge the gap between the knowledge of an unidentified individual from an identified company that has visited their website.
  3. They realise that it’s painful work to try and bridge that gap.
  4. They win some.
  5. They lose some.
  6. But they don’t focus on the biggest problem …


What’s the biggest problem?

If someone from a company has been to a website but hasn’t made contact, then there are a couple of reasons for that:

  1. It’s too early in the decision-making process.
  2. They weren’t impressed enough with what they found on the website.

The majority will fall into category 2 above.  They always have the option to go back to search results to look at other options, if they didn’t find enough to impress them on the website.

So companies are spending budget on identifying visiting companies when we’d suggest they should be spending that budget on the answer …


What’s the answer?

While there is of course value in trying to follow up with identifiable companies that have been to a website, and it’s part of what the A1WebStats solution provides, it’s reactive rather than proactive.

Proactive focuses on the important stuff.

Important stuff varies depending on the client but try this question on some of your clients:

Would you rather have to chase companies that have been to your website, or would you rather they made contact in the first place?

Most sane business people would prefer those companies to make contact.


So, what makes people make contact?

The right people being driven to the right part of a website and seeing website strengths that makes them think: this gives me enough reassurance to want to make contact.

NOT an amateur Adwords setup bringing in the wrong traffic.

NOT a website that fails to answer the questions in the mind of the visitor.


How does the A1WebStats system (white labelled) help you and your clients?

Our software uncovers data that Google Analytics could (if Google wanted to) reveal, but doesn’t.

That’s data that allows businesses to micro-analyse what is important to them:

Why aren’t we getting more enquiries/sales of X (where X is a product or service)?

The A1WebStats system starts at the end – focusing on a product or service that the client wants to gain more enquiries about/sales of.

It then shows the individual path through the website of every single visitor (whether identifiable as a company or not) who got to that website page.

It then allows the removal of irrelevant data (for example, visitors to that website page who were outside the geographical target area, or who were competitors, or people looking for jobs).

By removing noise data, white labelled A1WebStats uncovers the true picture of how many relevant visitors got to the product or service page (in any given time period).

That number of relevant visitors can be compared to enquiry/sales levels about that product or service, and expressed as a percentage.

Taking an example …

You see that a product or service page has had 150 visitors and you know that there were 5 enquiries about that product or service.

You then use the A1WebStats system to weed out irrelevant traffic to that page and end up with 100 relevant visitors that led to 5 enquiries.

That product or service page and supporting website pages have achieved a 5% success rate.  Which means 95% didn’t result in anything, which can make for depressing reading.

But depressing is good if it leads to positive action.

Positive action comes from working out what needs to change within:

  • The product or service page itself.
  • Parts of the website that support that product or service page (before or after the visitor went to that page).
  • The marketing used to drive traffic to the website or that product or service page.

Who is in a position to help facilitate that change?

You are.


The starting point

You have a choice of how to get started with A1WebStats, as shown on our setup page.